High Quality & Technology
Vested in your success.

- Business
- Overview
We provide exact inspection and solution to customer by 20 years know-how in Machine tool field.

We start business from Retrofit/Overhaul service to design/manufacture, trading, used machine/spare parts offer in accordance with customers request.
Customers can have competitiveness to get machine under high efficiency and low cost from us. We can service not only retrofit/overhaul but also reviewing machine, buying/selling machine, packing, transportation, trading, design, setting up, manufacturing. Therefore, we will provide all-in-one and one-stop service for getting machine under low cost.

Delivery date
Maker’s machine tool needs to take from 6 months to 1 year and half, so it is hard to counteract manufacturer market in rapid business fluctuation. If you are using our retrofit/overhaul service, customer can get suitable machine under 50% decreasing delivery date than brand and also we can make specification as customer wants. In this period, business fluctuation is unstable, so when customer catch the proper timing, it is very important to set up facilities for making a profit directly. We recommend that if you use our all-in-one service, you can get competitiveness than the other competitor.
New machine need to not only spend budget more than second times than used machine but also production period of blank. Used machine, as same as new machine, can make retrieve the investment as soon as possible and making a profit directly.